It’s finally time to sow the seeds

As the days get longer and the temperatures begin to warm up, many gardeners are eagerly anticipating the start of the growing season. It’s a time of year filled with excitement and anticipation as we prepare to sow the seeds for our summer gardens. However, for some of us, this process can feel overwhelming and even a little daunting. We may feel like we are always late to the game and are struggling to catch up. If this sounds like you, don’t worry – you are not alone.

I, too, have experienced this feeling of being behind when it comes to sowing seeds. Every year, I tell myself that I will start earlier and be more organized, but somehow life always seems to get in the way. However, I have come to realize that it’s never too late to start sowing seeds and with a little bit of planning and guidance, we can all have successful gardens.

For me, one of the main reasons I love to sow seeds is to grow fresh organic herbs. There’s nothing quite like stepping outside your door and picking a handful of fresh herbs to add to your meals. Whether it’s basil, thyme, or cilantro, I can never seem to get enough. Plus, growing herbs is relatively easy and can be done in small spaces, making it a perfect option for those with limited garden space.

In addition to herbs, I also love to grow a variety of vegetables. My daughter’s pet bunny also enjoys munching on fresh veggies from our garden, so it’s a win-win situation for us. Some of my go-to veggies to plant include tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, carrots, beets, peppers, and pumpkins. However, I always leave some room for new and interesting varieties that catch my eye at the seed section of the store.

Now, let’s talk about the process of sowing seeds. One of the most efficient ways to start seeds is by using seed trays. Seed trays are small containers with multiple cells that are used to start seeds indoors before transplanting them into the garden. It is an excellent way to save space, time, and ensure proper germination of seeds. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps on how to sow seeds in seed trays.

Step 1: Choose the right seed trays
The first step in sowing seeds in seed trays is to choose the right type of tray. There are various seed trays available in the market, such as plastic, biodegradable, ones with expanding pete pallets, or even homemade ones. Plastic seed trays are durable and reusable, while biodegradable ones are eco-friendly and can be planted directly into the ground. Choose the one that suits your needs and budget. These in the picture are the ones that work best for our current lifestyle.

Step 2: Prepare the seed starting mix
Seed starting mix is a mixture of soil, compost, and other organic materials that provide a suitable environment for seeds to germinate. You can purchase seed starting mix from a garden center, or you can make your own by mixing equal parts of potting soil, compost, and perlite. We choose to buy the seed trays with expanding peat pellets. There is no wrong way to do this.

Step 3: Fill the seed trays with the mix
Fill the seed trays with the seed starting mix, leaving a little space at the top. Gently tap the trays to remove any air pockets and ensure the mix is evenly distributed. Avoid using garden soil as it may contain weed seeds and pathogens that can harm the seedlings. I personally love the espoma mix because, it’s the cleanest loose mix I have found that promotes fast growth and heath of the seedlings.

Step 4: Moisten the mix
Before sowing the seeds, it is essential to moisten the seed starting mix. You can do this by gently watering the mix with a watering can or by placing the trays in a shallow container filled with water. Allow the mix to absorb the water until it is evenly moist but not soaking wet. For the peat pellets, I just pour water mixed with the fertilizer provided and pour over. I wait till all the water is absorbed.

Step 5: Sow the seeds
Now it’s time to sow the seeds. Read the instructions on the seed packet to determine how deep and how far apart the seeds should be placed. Generally, the rule of thumb is to sow a seed twice as deep as its diameter. Use a pencil or your finger to make a small hole in the mix and drop one or two seeds into each cell. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the mix and gently pat it down.

Step 6: Label the trays
It is important to label your trays with the name of the plant and the date of sowing. This will help you keep track of the seeds and know when they are ready to be transplanted into the garden.

Step 7: Provide the right conditions
Place the trays in a warm and bright location, but away from direct sunlight. You can cover the trays with a plastic lid or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect and maintain moisture. Check the trays daily and mist the mix with a spray bottle if it starts to dry out.

Step 8: Transplant the seedlings
Once the seedlings have developed their first true leaves, it’s time to transplant them into individual pots or into the garden. Gently remove the seedlings from the trays and carefully separate them if they are too close. Handle the seedlings by their leaves, not the stem, to avoid damaging them.

Step 9: Finally, be patient
It takes time for seeds to germinate and grow, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

In conclusion, sowing seeds in seed trays is an efficient way to start your garden. It allows you to control the growing conditions and ensure a successful germination. With the right equipment, seed starting mix, or a seed starting tray with peat pellets, and proper care, you can grow healthy and robust seedlings that will thrive in your garden. So, grab your seed trays and start sowing your favorite seeds today!

Sowing seeds is a wonderful way to connect with nature and experience the joy of growing your own food. It may seem like a daunting task, but with a little planning and effort, anyone can have a successful garden. So don’t worry if you feel like you are always late to the game – just get out there and start sowing those seeds. You’ll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest in no time. Happy gardening!